There’s no middle ground with Tesla – it’s Fan Bois vs Haters. The rest of us don’t know what to believe. Here’s Tesla hate explained…
On one hand, Tesla has legions of passionate fans and customers who laud its cutting-edge technology and grand vision for sustainable transportation.
On the other, it faces torrents of criticism and negative publicity from detractors who seem to have an almost obsessive hatred for Tesla.
What accounts for this polarising divide? Why does Tesla attract such hatred from some vocal critics despite its technological innovations and market-leading products?
Tesla Hate Explained
The forces driving the anti-Tesla sentiment are multi-layered, but often rooted in conflicts of interest, entrenched industry powers, and financially-motivated forces desperate to see the company’s downfall.
From oil giants to short sellers to mainstream media outlets, various groups have strong reasons – some more nefarious than others – to disparage Tesla at every turn.
Unraveling this web reveals the complex undercurrents fueling one of the biggest corporate hate campaigns in recent history. Here’s our take on Tesla hate explained…
Why ‘Big Oil’ Hates Tesla

Imagine a tennis star, dominating the court week after week, year after year. Then, out of nowhere, a scrawny kid shows up and outshines you effortlessly. How would you feel? Chances are, you’d hate the newcomer.
That’s exactly how the oil industry views Tesla.
For decades, oil reigned supreme, fuelling the world’s vehicles. But now, Tesla has ushered in a new era of electric mobility, threatening oil’s dominance.
And just like that tennis has-been, Big Oil can’t stand watching the upstart Tesla steal the spotlight.
Take the American oil company Chevron, for instance. A while back they announced EV charging stations, and then were outed for trying to block utilities from installing chargers in Arizona – using retirees as proxies to avoid the campaign being linked back to Chevron, no less!
Why ‘Big Auto’ Hates Tesla

Remember the heartbreak as a teenager when your crush fell for someone else? That’s how legacy automakers feel about Tesla.
They were the industry’s darlings, basking in admiration – until Tesla came along and stole their thunder with cutting-edge electric vehicles (EVs) that leave gas guzzlers in the dust.
Just look at Michigan, the heart of the American auto industry, trying to ban Tesla from selling or servicing cars there. It’s like a bitter ex doing everything in their power to undermine their replacement.
Why ‘Big Media’ Hates Tesla

You know that old saying, “Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned”? Well, that perfectly sums up the media’s vendetta against Tesla.
They once showered Elon Musk’s company with adoration, but when Tesla spurned their advances (read: ad dollars), the knives came out.
It only intensified when Elon bought Twitter, a media company that threatened Legacy Media’s business model.
Now, any perceived flaw in Tesla’s operations gets magnified and replayed ad nauseam, like a jilted lover obsessively nitpicking their ex’s new partner. It’s a classic case of sour grapes, and the media just can’t seem to let it go.
Why Big Money Hates Tesla

An army of short sellers are financially incentivised for Tesla’s share price to fall. Short selling allows investors to profit from a declining share price.
For a controversial stock like Tesla, the financial incentives for short sellers are massive. On the one hand there is the profit they expect to gain from a decline in Tesla’s share price. On the other hand is the pressure of the daily cost to finance their positions.
When Tesla’s share price goes up instead of down, those costs can be exorbitant and create a desperation among short sellers to see Tesla’s stock crash.
They have a vested interest in amplifying any negative narratives and portraying the company in the worst light possible.
Anonymous online “short attacks” by hedge funds using pseudonyms have become an effective tactic, as detailed in Harvard research.
The inherent anonymity of the internet allows these actors to “launch a short attack that reaches millions of investors from anywhere at any time – and with little accountability.”
Prominent short sellers have even admitted using online aliases to publish damaging reports about companies.
With billions of dollars on the line for large short positions, unscrupulous money has a powerful motive to sow seeds of doubt about Tesla’s future prospects through disinformation campaigns across social media, financial news, and the internet at large.
A Saga for the Ages

Who needs reality TV when you have such real-life drama unfolding around Tesla? It’s a saga of jealousy, betrayal, and the age-old struggle between the established order and the upstart revolutionary.
And as the negative publicity mounts, fuelled by the fear of Tesla’s imminent success, one thing is clear: this is a story that will captivate us for years to come.
So, the next time you see a hit piece on Tesla, remember – it’s not about the company’s performance. It’s about vested interests watching helplessly as their dominance slips away.
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