Driveline CEO Lance Manins is frustrated with the latest twist in the war of Clean Car Fees: Utes & SUVs vs the Government…
“I may be an urban ute owner these days, but my ute gets used in the same way as any farmer-owned ute. It’s away on adventures most weekends, hunting, fishing, exploring.
Many of us are not that far removed from a generation of relatives who were farm owners, and we still hold to those ideals and values.
While many may be enjoying a latte in Ponsonby Road on a Saturday morning, or sipping chardonnay on a sunny socialist afternoon in Wellington, plenty of us are out in the great outdoors where utes are a necessity.
Yes it’s a lifestyle choice, just like it is to own an electric car.”
– Lance Manins
This blog post is dedicated to the hardworking Kiwis who keep this country running. You know who you are… the adventurers, builders, contractors, drivers, engineers, farmers, gardeners, hydraulic repairers, industrialists, janitors, kitchen installers, labourers, machinists, noise testers, odd-jobbers, pipefitters, quarry workers, refrigeration mechanics, shearers, tradies, utility linesmen, vets, welders, Xerox mechanics, yacht riggers and zookeepers.
“How dare you! You have stolen my dreams and my childhood with your empty words. And yet I’m one of the lucky ones.”
– Greta Thunberg
Well, ain’t you the lucky one. We’re having the vehicles we depend on for our livelihoods stolen from us, tax increase by incremental tax increase, like death by a thousand cuts, which means we ain’t lucky at all.
Clean Car Fees are changing on 1 July 2023, at which point Utes and SUVs will incur massive tax increases.
Due to the Clean Car scheme paying out more in rebates than it collected in taxes, the government will reduce the rebates on EVs, scrap them on most low-emission vehicles, and increase the Clean Car Fees on Utes and SUVs – aka “ute tax”.
Clean Car Fees: Winners
- There are no winners.
Clean Car Fees: Losers
- EVs. The new rebate is nearly 20% less. It will drop to $7,015 (from $8,625).
- Low-emission hybrid, petrol and diesel vehicles emitting 150g to 190g CO2⁄km. They will no longer qualify for rebates.
- High-emitting vehicles like utes and SUVs. Their tax will increase to a maximum of $6,900. In some cases the new tax will be 144% higher.
Clean Car Fees: Utes
Driveline ran the numbers on a Ford Ranger XLT 2.0L Diesel Ute, which faces a 144% higher ute tax of $4,485.
Greta Thunberg is sure to clap her hands in delight and grin from ear to ear at this news. Not so for our clients who depend on a rugged ute for their livelihoods.
Perhaps that’s why this government is taxing you into oblivion – you have no choice but to suck it up because there are no viable alternatives. How many tools and supplies can you throw in the back of a Nissan Leaf?
If you’re planning on buying a new car, you should act fast to avoid the rebate reduction on EVs and small cars, or increased Clean Car Fees on Utes and SUVs.
Here’s how Driveline can help
To help you beat the tax increase, we have TWO ute deals currently running…

Ford Ranger deal
Last week we announced a deal on Ford Ranger 4X4 Sport 3.0L V6 diesel double cab ute with 10-speed auto.
At the time we announced the deal there were only 7 available in limited colours ex-Auckland. There are now only 2 left so don’t shag around if you’re interested. Scroll down for details.
More here too: Ford Ranger Sport V6 Monthly Payment Plan

Toyota Hilux deal
We also have a current deal on Toyota Hilux SR 2WD PreRunner 2.8L diesel double cab ute with 6-speed auto. You get a discounted monthly payment plan AND $1,500 of free accessories! Scroll down for details.
More here too: Toyota Hilux PreRunner 2023 Monthly Payment Plan
Both deals end 31 May 2023 or when all utes are gone, whichever comes first.
Talk to Driveline to see what’s currently in stock or arriving on one of the few remaining ships due before 1 July 2023 to avoid the increased tax.
Ford Ranger 4×4 Sport 3.0L V6 diesel double cab ute with 10-speed autoGet into a new Ford Ranger Sport V6 Diesel Double Cab Ute with 10-speed Auto for a discounted monthly payment plan AND beat the ute tax increase.
• • • Toyota Hilux SR 2WD PreRunner 2.8L diesel double cab ute with 6-speed autoGet into a new Hilux and get a discounted monthly payment plan AND $1,500 of free accessories!
• • • Get in touch to check on stock availability…